screen links

---Bonobo: "Cirrus"

---The Screen Poetry of Terrence Malick

---The Apocalypse

---the NRA stands and fights

---the Pulp Fiction oral history

---"Was it helpful to read Pauline Kael’s work when I was growing up? Absolutely. For a teenager who was beginning to look at movies as something other than just entertainment, her reviews were really interesting. But at a certain point, it’s not useful anymore. I stopped reading reviews of my own films after Traffic, and I find it hard to read any critics now because they are just so easily fooled. From a directorial standpoint, you can’t throw one by me. I know if you know what you’re doing, and, “Wow, critics”—their reading of filmmaking is very superficial. Look, nothing excites me more than a good film. It makes me want to make something good. But I have certain standards, and I don’t grade on a curve. If you want to be a director, I’m going to treat you like I treat everybody. So it’s frustrating when critics praise things that I feel are not up to snuff." --Steven Soderbergh

---"I played a prostitute who died.  Her life was sad and awful." (via @nathanielr)

---Google's "human right's activism disguised as mapmaking"

---Shortest Film

---John Belushi's screen test

---"Most action movies stink. They’re the back porch of filmmaking, and they’re not very well done at all." --Walter Hill

---Voice Over

---Christoper Nolan's and Rian Johnson's top 10

---PBS on the untouchable Wall Street leaders and drones

---trailers for Mood Indigo, Upside Down, Inside Llewyn Davis, Reality, War Witch, The Power of Fewand The East

---"It turns out, the film was just too controversial. With pundits and bloggers debating Zero Dark's stance on torture — does it make a correlation between 'enhanced interrogation' and the discovery of bin Laden, or is it simply realistically depicting something that did happen somewhere, at some point? — the praise for the film's artistic merits began to get lost. People either forgot that they liked the movie on technical grounds or simply were afraid to say it, at risk of wading into the heated political debate and being excoriated for liking a problematic movie. It became significantly less trendy to like Zero Dark Thirty in the weeks leading up to the Golden Globes, and the film has suffered because of it. No one is turning tail and saying that it's a bad film, it's just become something vaguely taboo. You can like it, but not too much."

---the origins of Gangster Squad

---Eric Schmidt discusses "The Next Five Billion"


Paulina said…
Poprzedni wpis bardziej mi się podobał.
Jon said…
I'm actually glad that ZDT is as problematic for everyone as it is....that means there's something there to discuss and debate. For something like Argo (which will probably win the Academy award), it is cliched entertainment. ZDT doesn't pander and rarely gives usual payoffs. It's still the best film of 2012. Out of 45 reviews at Metacritic, there are no negative reviews. It is the highest rated film of 2012, with a full 25 of the 45 rated at 100. That doesn't mean everything, but it means something.

Maybe so. I still wonder how much American critics can objectively measure the quality of a movie that depicts the revenge on Bin Laden. And, as we discussed before, more scenes with the CIA making more dubious choices could have better balanced out Bigelow's portrait of the Agency. As far as it displays American foreign policy in a flattering light, ZDT is not problematic enough.
Jon said…
I guess that's where we differ....I don't think the film is very flattering at all to American foreign policy....likening Maya (and us as a nation) to Ahab going after Moby Dick. I think it was rather ugly IMO. You and I obviously saw different movies. If Bigelow was trying to put American foreign policy in a good light, she did a very poor job. I saw it as completely opposite of that and that was her intent.