remodernist links

---World Order's "2012"

---Neyfakh's "The rise of punkademia"

---Ron Meyer confesses "Land of the Lost was just crap. I mean, there was no excuse for it" as Guy Adams examines the decline of the movie industry:

"There's very real anxiety in the movie business," says Kim Masters, editor-at-large of The Hollywood Reporter. "Audiences, and young people especially, are just not turning out to the cinema in the numbers they were. In fact, there's a joke going around town, though people are saying it through gritted teeth: $20m is the new $60m. What it means is that movies which used to bring in $60m in their opening weekend are now doing a third of that amount."

---Nussbaum's "The Rebirth of the Feminist Manifesto" and the Remodernist film manifesto

---classic video game deaths

---an encounter with the Oakland police

---David Lynch's music

---Lopate reviews Kellow's Pauline Kael: A Life in the Dark

---deBoer's "The Resentment Machine":

"The value-through-what-is-consumed is entirely illusory. There is no there there. This is what you can really learn about a person by understanding his or her cultural consumption, the movies, music, fashion, media, and assorted other socially inflected ephemera: nothing. Absolutely nothing. The internet writ large is desperately invested in the idea that liking, say, The Wire, says something of depth and importance about the liker, and certainly that the preference for this show to CSI tells everything. Likewise, the internet exists to perpetuate the idea that there is some meaningful difference between fans of this band or that, of Android or Apple, or that there is a Slate lifestyle and a This Recording lifestyle and one for The Hairpin or wherever. Not a word of it is true. There are no Apple people. Buying an iPad does nothing to delineate you from anyone else. Nothing separates a Budweiser man from a microbrew guy. That our society insists that there are differences here is only our longest con.

This endless posturing, pregnant with anxiety and roiling with class resentment, ultimately pleases no one. Yet this emptiness doesn’t compel people to turn away from the sorting mechanism. Instead, it draws them further and further in. Faced with the failure of their cultural affinities to define an authentic and fulfilling self, postcollegiate middle-class upwardly-oriented-if-not-upwardly-mobile Americans double down on the importance of these affinities and confront the continued failure with a formless resentment. The bitterness that surrounds these distinctions is a product of their inability to actually make us distinct."

---the problem with pictures under glass

---Bell's "Hellish Productions of Six Great Movies"

---"we are a nation of prisonkeepers"

---Ryan Gosling saying nothing

---Lethem's issues with James Wood's review of The Fortress of Solitude

---Kasman's notes on Unstoppable

---lastly, Tom Waits and Iggy Pop in Coffee and Cigarettes


Joel Bocko said…
I was hanging on - by my fingernails, because it's really not my cup of tea - to that "remodernist" manifesto until I got to point #8. What a dumb - and profoundly wrong - thing to say.

The punkademia link was a turn-off at first but eventually I warmed to the idea. I think the problem is less "studying" punk - after all, every movement or cultural development anywhere and everywhere deserves to be studied as a historical phenomenon - than the idea of haphazardly mixing the punk sensibility with the academic, which would probably bring the worst out in both.

And there was a conference on "Jersey Shore Studies"? Jesus Christ.

I agree. He makes an easy jab against Kubrick, although I like his attempt to champion a more contemplative, raw film aesthetic.

The punkademia article reminded me of a scene in Franzen's Strong Motion when the narrator considered how punk did not invite nostalgia. Punk would also likely not be in favor of academic theorizing about it. I like to think that a legitimate punk criticism is possible since a sneering self-referentiality is already built in to the form.
Joel Bocko said…
Yeah, I'm not sure how one of the most identifiable film stylists out there is trying to be "objective." And that's not even getting into the "boring" dig...
Anonymous said…
Re: The 'branded' differentiation idea, there's an interesting documentary on the seeds of the phenomenon called 'The Century of the Self'.