future links

---the future according to films
---the religion of being healthy
---John Berger's "Fellow Prisoners":
"Have you noticed small commodities are increasingly difficult to remove from their packaging? Something similar has happened with the lives of the gainfully employed. Those who have legal employment and are not poor are living in a very reduced space that allows them fewer and fewer choices—except the continual binary choice between obedience and disobedience. Their working hours, their place of residence, their past skills and experience, their health, the future of their children, everything outside their function as employees has to take a small second place beside the unforseeable and vast demands of liquid profit. Furthermore, the rigidity of this house rule is called flexibility. In prison, words get turned upside down.
The alarming pressure of high-grade working conditions has obliged the courts in Japan to recognize and define a new coroners’ category of “death by overwork.”
The alarming pressure of high-grade working conditions has obliged the courts in Japan to recognize and define a new coroners’ category of “death by overwork.”
---Christopher Johnson's Microstyle
---Rob Horning's "Social Media, Social Factory":
"By relentlessly increasing the pace of obsolescence, social media prompt us to improvise more and more desperately; they cultivate a panic that we are being left out, left behind, that the zeitgeist of the instant will pass without our participating in it and claiming our share. We have more capability to share ourselves, our thoughts and interests and discoveries and memories, than ever before, yet sharing is in danger of becoming nothing more than an alibi that hides how voracious our appetite for novelty has become. It starts to be harder for our friends and ourselves to figure out what really matters to us and what stems merely from the need to keep broadcasting the self. And so we vacillate between anxious self-branding and the self-negating practice of seeking some higher authenticity: We have to watch ourselves become ourselves in order to be ourselves, over and over again."
---trailers for Resurrect Dead, Evil Things, Hell, In Time, The Darkest Hour, Albatross, and The Skin I Live In
---making Bellflower

---The Help cast interview
---Jeremy Grantham's "Resource Limitations 2":
"Shortages of metals and fresh water will each cause severe problems, but in the end we will adjust our behavior enough to be merely irritated rather than threatened, although in the case of metals, the pressure from shortages and higher prices will slowly increase forever."
---Osterweil's "Towards a New Film Criticism"
---rechecking your smart phone
---the beginning of MTV
---Kristen Wiig: 7 Minutes in Heaven
---Haque's "Why this crisis isn't going anywhere"
---A. O. Scott goes Back to the Future
---an interview with Vivien Leigh
---steelweaver's thoughts about collective reality fragmentation:
"I believe part of the meta-problem is this: people no longer inhabit a single reality. I mean people collectively and individually: collectively, there is no longer a single cultural arena of dialogue. We have the simulacrum of one, in the form of Question Time and governmental “Big Conversation” initiatives, but in reality we have fragmented off into a thousand little sub-sectors of paradigmatic dissension. Whilst there are all sorts of interesting cultural phenomena that fit this description, this relates most relevantly, in our terms, to the tear-jerking incomprehension of techno-scientists when faced with, for example, climate deniers."
---Dennis Cozzalio's midterm report
---George Siemens on social media
---your evil yard and the status quo bias
---the Tarantino mixtape

---the 25 best film school rankings
---Detroit Wild City
---lastly, Beat the Devil