The decline of the paid critic: crisis or opportunity?

As someone relatively new to blogging, I find the on-running discussion about critics getting laid off from newspapers and magazines of much interest. Chuck Tryon of The Chutry Experiment recently called attention to essays by Craig Lindsey and Jay Rayner discussing what Tryon calls “the ongoing crisis in film criticism.” Are the current trends a crisis or an opportunity? I found other links exploring the same issue, both in relation to film and the other arts:
Even though Roger Moore wrote this for Orlando Sentinel back in 2006, I find his conclusion about the death of the paid film critic bleakly interesting.
Art critic Charlotte Higgins explains why she’s making the switch from print to the greater elasticity of a blog.
Lastly, writing for Film in Focus, Phillip Lopate places recent problems in the context of the history of film criticism.
But the tremendous outpouring of blog-based film criticism is pretty astounding.
Video killed the radio star, and the big media is killing local differentiation.